In the Bible we see that Jesus’s disciples shared with one another so no one was in need (Acts 2 v44-47). We want to reflect this and be a generous family that looks after one another and the community around us. There is a greater need at the moment due to the impact of Covid-19 and we anticipate this need will continue for a while to come so below are some ways you can help.


Firstly, if you are in need, please get in contact as we’d love to help you. You can call us any time on 01923 204209 or contact the team via email here. We’re here whether you need some practical support or would just like a listening ear so do get in touch.


The best way to help is to donate to Watford foodbank!

Thank you so much for being willing to give - we are part of such an incredibly generous and supportive family.

We do this as part of our worship on a Sunday during our services and always have baskets available for donations that go to Watford Foodbank. A number of people in our family are acting as a collection point for others in their neighbourhood and then bringing all the items in one go which is a brilliant idea!

What should I give?

We try to give the latest needs in our notices on a Sunday and in our Weekly Update but if in doubt, Watford Foodbank always appreciate tinned meat/fish/fruit. You can also see the most up-to-date needs by clicking below.

Hardship fund

The Hardship Fund has been set up to support our family and community during this difficult time. We can help with things like food shopping and paying bills depending on the circumstances. Any member of Soul Survivor Watford can apply to the hardship fund on behalf of themselves or someone else in our community. The link to the information on what the fund is for, how we can help, and the application form, can be found on the Weekly Update. If you’re a member of our family and you don’t receive the Weekly Update, or if you need any help with an application, please get in touch.